painted interpretations of traditional Opphämta patterns - printed on strong cotton weave.
The project "Opphämta from high attic cottage to glass palace" (Projektet - Opphämta från högloftsstuga till glaspalats) has been run under the auspices of Culture and Education in Region Halland since May 2011. The goal is to further knowledge about the Opphämta weaving technique and its uses, promote the development of weaving and the adoption of the gorgeous store of Opphämta patterns.
The weavers Helen Carlsson, Emma Prince, Catrin Gunnarsson, Hillevi Svensson and Emma Gerdien were all participants at the start up of the project.
The project has linked up with several experts in various areas pertinent to Opphämta weaving, including the history of weaving techniques and future developments.
Opphämta and the history of textiles
Halland Art Museum today holds an extensive collection of Halland textiles that have been woven using the Opphämta technique. At the beginning of the project, the participants were introduced to the textile researchers, Anneli Palmsköld and Anna Holmström, curators at Halland Art Museum. In 2007, Anneli Palmsköld defended her Ph D thesis at the Ethnological Institution, Lund University, entitled Textile interpretations. Tapestries, wall-hangings, textile draperies, and ceiling draperies (Textila tolkningar: om hängkläden, drättar, lister och takdukar).
Project participants have received brief training in practical weaving by weaver / author / loom developer Lillemor Johansson in Glimåkra.
A common method of finishing Opphämta woven draperies is fringe braiding and during the project, a course has been organised for the participants on this technique by Ally Svensson, Österlen. A film on fringe braiding has also been produced, in collaboration with The National Swedish Handicraft Council, The Craft Laboratory at the University of Gothenburg and Örebro County Museum.
Opphämta today and tomorrow
Designer Anna Kraitz has been linked to the project in order to develop Opphämta weaving to meet current requirements and to propose novel areas for the use of those patterns that are associated with the techniques. She has instructed the project participants in product development and sketching.
In the spring of 2014, one of the project participants has been hired to collect some of the halloween recruitment weave patterns in order to spread them to those interested. At the same time, weaver workshops around Halland who so wished have been provided with tuition in Opphämta weaving.
The project participants also visited the centre of the National Association of Swedish Handicraft Societies (Hemslöjden) at Sätergläntan and made the acquaintance of students there who wished to develop their interest in Opphämta weaving.
Over the years participants in the project have participated in various public events, such as the Weaving Days at Glimåkra in 2013, the Textile Exhibition (VÄV) at the Nordic museum in 2012 and the joint work presented at the Textile Exhibition (Vävmässan) in Umeå in 2014.
The work on Upphämta has been made possible with the financial assistance of the CA Bergström Foundation and project funding from Region Halland.